Customs formalities,
a specialised job.

International business involves specific customs legislation. Are you fully aware of all economic, financial, fiscal and health regulations? In some cases, strict embargoes even apply. All these rules are constantly evolving. More and more companies – even multinationals – are finding it difficult to keep up and deliberately choose to outsource customs formalities to specialists such as DKM.

DKM is the perfect outsourcing partner on three fronts: customs formalities and customs management, consultancy and fiscal representation.

Worry-free export
The declaration, checking or follow-up of your export files under one roof? DKM closely monitors the entire process, including advice on trade embargoes, certificates and other export-related issues.

A smooth import
Importing goods from outside the European Union involves import formalities. DKM calculates your import duties and VAT. And we will also file the necessary declarations fast and correctly. Do you have to deal with anti-dumping duties, or do quotas apply? DKM will assist.

Transit monitoring
Do you need to submit declarations for goods under customs supervision? We will forward your declarations electronically via our NCTS system at a time you specify.

Customs formalities and
customs management


Annually, DKM Customs prepares more than 140,000 customs documents for import, export and transit. We take care of all your customs and other formalities. Fast, efficient, correct and flexible. In addition, we provide input on your business operations and suggest ways to optimise your international goods flow.
We act as your expert intermediary and – if required – conduct negotiations with customs authorities on import duties and licences. In short: we offer complete customs management.



International trade has made the world a lot more accessible. However, up-to-date knowledge of customs legislation and regulations remains crucial. DKM is an experienced partner who keeps abreast of the latest developments thanks to continuous internal and external training. We do not stop at customs issues. We also offer answers to questions concerning VAT legislation. We do not do this alone but trust reliable and reputable partners to serve you even better. Do you need to apply for a customs licence? Need advice on your product classification? Or questions about tax representation? Our experts are ready for you.



Questions on VAT have become a hot topic. DKM is the holder of a global VAT identification number, 796.5, and thus takes care of all your intracommunity deliveries and represents the importer as tax debtor.

VAT registration
DKM Customs cooperates with recognised tax consultants to assist companies who need to work with an individual fiscal VAT number.

General fiscal representation
DKM Customs has a global fiscal VAT number in order to support international trade. This enables DKM Customs to act in VAT matters for non-Belgian companies.

Need specific tailor-made advice? DKM supports you in all customs-related matters.

Looking for specific useful documentation to simplify your customs administration?

customs insights

DKM, a leading specialist in customs formalities, is starting a partnership with Tilleghem. CEO and shareholder Luc De Kerf, who has already managed a nice growth trajectory in recent years, remains on board as a significant shareholder. Together with Tilleghem, both further internationalization and external growth through acquisitions will be high on the agenda.
On Tuesday, 13/02/2024, EMCS will be upgraded to Phase 4.1 in all member states. EMCS is the customs platform for excise goods. Unlike the other new customs systems, this upgrade does not include a transition phase.
Following the crisis in Ukraine, the EU imposed new additional restrictive measures against Russia with an 11th sanctions package. Important in this package: the additional measures taken to prevent sanctions from being circumvented by imports through other countries. DKM Customs is happy to explain exactly what this means and what the consequences are.
A permanent customs representative? Does it really have that many advantages? Knowing all national and international regulations, avoiding risk management and thus fines, reducing lead times, mapping customs optimizations... That's work for specialists like DKM Customs. DKM Customs would like to give you 5 reasons why a dedicated customs representative can be a great added value for you too!